
III Semester B.B.A. / B. Com. ENGLISH BASIC SOLVED QUESTION PAPER (CBCS) Degree Examination (Repeater), March/ April- 2023


III Semester B.B.A. / B. Com. ENGLISH BASIC SOLVED QUESTION PAPER (CBCS) Degree Examination (Repeater), March/ April- 2023


Time: 3 Hours                                                      Maximum Marks: 80

Text: Who moved my Cheese


I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each. (10x1=10)

1. Who is Sniff?

Ans: A mouse character in the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”


2. Who is Hem?

Ans: Hem is a little person, or “stabilizer” style character.


3. What is the theme of ‘Who moved my cheese’?

Ans: The importance of adapting to change.


4. Who wrote ‘Who moved my cheese’?

Ans: Dr. Spencer Johnson, MD.


5. What are the characters represent?

Ans: The characters represent different parts of our personality and how people react to change.


6. How many characters are there in ‘who moved my cheese’ Parable?

Ans: The central characters are two mice, named Sniff and Scurry, and two people, named Hem and Haw.


7. What do rats search?

Ans: Rats search cheese.


8. Why do all the classmates meet?

Ans: All the classmates meet to learn more about each other’s lives.


9. Which character refuses for change?

Ans: ‘Hem’ is the character refuses for change.


10. What does ‘maze’ represent?

Ans: The environment in which we navigate in pursuit of our goals.


II. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following.                       (4x5=20)

1. Hem and Haw.

Ans: Hem and Haw are the two human characters in the parable.

The parable unfolds in a maze, where four characters — two mice (Sniff and Scurry) and two tiny humans (Hem and Haw), search for cheese, which represents happiness. They get pretty good at this. The mice use their simple, rodent-specific talents of sniffing out cheese and scurrying around until they find it. Hem and Haw use their human thinking and analytical skills to also find cheese. They find a huge supply and all four enjoy its benefits for quite a while.


Because he rejects change, Hem is the character most people would not want to be, but we all probably share some of his characteristics some of the time. 

Hem has come to regard the cheese as his entitlement. He feels he deserves it.  When the cheese disappears, he complains about the unfairnessHe gets angry and seeks someone to blame. Hem denies reality, believing and insisting to Haw that the cheese will reappear. Hem holds onto the past. He thinks that digging in and doing what he has done in the past will negate change. (He keeps exploring the neighboring area for cheese, instead of venturing out for new cheese). And despite a lack of success, and even though he is hurting himself, Hem refuses to act any differently.



Of Hem and Haw in Who Moved My Cheese, Haw is the character who experiences the most change in the story. Initially, like Hem, he is upset, overwhelmed and in shock that the cheese has disappeared. At first, he follows Hem’s lead in sitting around complaining and waiting for the cheese to reappear. He whines about the injustice of it all. 

But eventually, Haw realizes that things are not going to improve unless he acts. Despite Hem’s attempts to discourage him, Haw strikes out on his own to find new cheese. He is afraid of failing, but he overcomes his fear by asking himself, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” He keeps going. This is the primary difference between the reactions of Hem and Haw in Who Moved My Cheese. Taking control increases his confidence, and he starts to enjoy moving in a new direction. He finds some small pieces of new cheese, which he takes back to the starting point to share with Hem, but Hem is not interested in trying the new cheese or looking for more. He still just wants things to return to the way they used to be. Haw realizes he cannot change Hem — Hem will have to change himself, or not.


2. Sniff and scurry.

Ans: Sniff and Scurry are the go-getters in the world of "Who Moved My Cheese?". These quick-witted mice represent the proactive approach to change.

Sniff: The name says it all. Sniff is the scout, with a nose for sniffing out trouble – or in this case, dwindling cheese supplies. He is observant and picks up on subtle shifts before they become major problems.

Scurry: While Sniff identifies the change, Scurry is the action mouse. His name evokes a sense of movement and resourcefulness. He does not waste time dwelling on the past; he scurries into action, exploring new paths and finding new sources of cheese.

Together, Sniff and Scurry embody the importance of adaptability. They understand that change is inevitable, and they have a two-pronged approach: Sniff and Scurry are a valuable lesson for anyone facing change. They show us the power of being proactive, prepared, and willing to embrace new opportunities.

3. Quotes on the maze wall.

Ans: The maze walls in "Who Moved My Cheese?" served as a source of encouragement and reminders for the characters, particularly Hem who struggled with change. Here are some potential quotes you might find on the maze wall:

"The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese." This core message emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past and embracing new opportunities.

"Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese." This quote encourages us to challenge our assumptions and be open to new ways of thinking.

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?" This question prompts self-reflection and helps overcome fear, a major obstacle to change.

"Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese." This emphasizes the importance of acting and exploring new possibilities.

"Smell the cheese often so you know when it's getting old." This serves as a reminder to stay observant and anticipate change before it catches us off guard.

These are just a few examples, and the specific quotes on the maze wall could vary depending on the interpretation.


4. Comment on the ending of the story.

Ans: The ending of "Who Moved My Cheese?" presents a bittersweet contrast between Hem and Haw.

Haw Embraces Change: Haw emerges as the character who learns to adapt. He overcomes his fear, acknowledges the reality of the situation ("The cheese didn't disappear overnight"), and acts by venturing back into the maze to find new cheese. He even attempts to share his newfound perspective with Hem.


Hem Clings to the Past: Hem, however, remains stuck in his old ways. He refuses to accept the change and is unwilling to try the "New Cheese" Haw offers. He embodies the fear of the unknown and the resistance to letting go of what is familiar, even if it is no longer serving him.


The ending emphasizes the importance of adopting a flexible mindset. It shows that while change can be challenging, it also presents opportunities for growth. It is up to everyone to choose whether to embrace the unknown, like Haw, or remain fixated on the past, like Hem.


5. Comment on the beginning of the story.

Ans: The beginning of "Who Moved My Cheese?" establishes the characters and the central theme of change through a seemingly simple routine:

Comfort and Complacency: We see Hem and Haw, two little people, existing in a comfortable routine. They rely on a steady supply of cheese at Cheese Station C, representing our desires for security and stability in life (job, relationships, etc.).


Lack of Awareness: There is no mention of where the cheese comes from or who puts it there. This reflects our tendency to take things for granted and not question the source of our security.

Seeds of Change: While subtle, the hint of change comes from Sniff and Scurry, the two mice. Their constant sniffing and movement suggest a more proactive approach to finding cheese, foreshadowing the disruption that will occur later.

The beginning sets the stage for a world where change is inevitable, but our initial reactions to it can make a big difference. It introduces the question: will we be like Hem and Haw, surprised and resistant, or will we adapt like Sniff and Scurry?


6. Search for the cheese.

Ans: In "Who Moved My Cheese?", the search for cheese symbolizes the pursuit of our goals, desires, and happiness in life. Here is a breakdown of the search:

Initial Comfort: Both Hem and Haw, and Sniff and Scurry, have a reliable source of cheese (representing their goals) at Cheese Station C. They rely on this established source and do not actively search for more.

Disruption: The cheese mysteriously disappears, throwing everyone into a state of confusion. This represents unexpected change that disrupts our comfort zones and forces us to re-evaluate our plans.


Differing Approaches:

Sniff and Scurry: These proactive mice quickly accept the change and venture into the maze to find new cheese. They symbolize adaptability and the willingness to explore new possibilities.

Hem and Haw: These little people initially resist the change. Hem clings to the past and refuses to believe the cheese is gone. Haw eventually overcomes his fear and starts searching for new cheese. They represent the fear of the unknown and the difficulty letting go of what is familiar.


The Importance of the Search: The act of searching for new cheese highlights the importance of acting even when faced with challenges. It is a metaphor for resilience and the ongoing pursuit of our goals, even when the path changes.

The search for cheese does not necessarily imply finding a perfect replacement for the old one. It is about the journey of adaptation, learning, and potentially discovering something even better than what we had before.



III. A) Comment on the theme of ‘Who moved my cheese’?   (1x10=10)

Ans: The central theme of "Who Moved My Cheese?" revolves around navigating change:

Change is Inevitable: The story emphasizes that change is a constant in life. The cheese disappearing represents the unexpected disruptions or shifts we all encounter in our careers, relationships, or overall life plans.


Adaptability is Key: The contrasting characters highlight the importance of adapting to change. Sniff and Scurry's proactive approach demonstrates the benefits of being flexible and open to new possibilities. Haw eventually learns this lesson too.


Letting Go of the Past: Hem's struggle represents the difficulty of letting go of what's familiar, even if it's no longer serving us. The story encourages us to confront our fear of the unknown and embrace new opportunities.


Fear Hinders Progress: Fear of change is a major obstacle. The story highlights the importance of overcoming fear and taking action, even when we feel uncertain.


Embrace the Journey: Finding new cheese isn't just about achieving a specific goal, but the journey of exploration and growth that comes with adapting to change.

"Who Moved My Cheese?" doesn't provide a one-size-fits-all answer, but offers a framework for approaching change with a more positive and proactive mindset.



B) Explain ‘a positive adaptation of change requires to abandon fear and self-satisfaction’.

Ans: A positive adaptation to change requires abandoning fear and self-satisfaction because these two things hold us back from embracing new opportunities. Here's a breakdown:

Fear: Change often brings uncertainty and the unknown. Fear of what might go wrong can paralyze us, preventing us from taking the steps needed to adapt. It can make us cling to the familiar, even if it's no longer working.

Self-satisfaction: When we're comfortable and content with what we have, there's less motivation to seek change. Self-satisfaction can blind us to new possibilities and hinder our growth.


To positively adapt, we need to:

Acknowledge Fear: Ignoring fear won't make it disappear. Recognizing it allows us to address it and move forward.

Embrace Uncertainty: Embrace the unknown as an opportunity for exploration and growth. Focus on the potential benefits of change rather than dwelling on the risks.

Seek Improvement: Do not let comfort become complacency. Always strive to learn and grow, which often requires stepping outside our comfort zones.

Think of it like this: Imagine a delicious new restaurant opens across town. Fear of the unknown might keep you at your usual spot, even if the food is getting stale. Letting go of fear and self-satisfaction encourages you to try the new place, potentially discovering a new favorite.


Positive adaptation is about:

Openness: Being open to new ideas and experiences.

Flexibility: Adapting your plans and strategies as needed.

Resilience: Bouncing back from setbacks and learning from them.

By abandoning fear and self-satisfaction, we pave the way for a more positive and enriching experience with change.


IV. A) Comment on the leadership lessons as expressed in ‘who moved my cheese’. (1x10=10)

Ans: "Who Moved My Cheese?" offers valuable leadership lessons that can be applied to navigating change within a team or organization:

Anticipate Change: Just like Sniff, leaders should be observant and anticipate potential disruptions. This allows for proactive planning and minimizes the shock factor when change inevitably occurs.

Communicate Effectively: Leaders need to clearly communicate the reality of the situation, just like Haw eventually does with Hem. Transparency and open communication help team members understand the "why" behind the change and prepare them for what's ahead.

Embrace a Growth Mindset: Leaders should foster a culture that embraces a growth mindset, similar to Sniff and Scurry. This means encouraging curiosity, experimentation, and a willingness to learn from new experiences.

Empower Your Team: Leaders can empower their team by providing resources and support for learning new skills and adapting to the changing landscape. This helps build confidence and resilience in the face of change.

Celebrate Progress: Change can be daunting, so celebrating milestones and successes along the way keeps team morale high.

Lead by Example: The most impactful leaders are those who embody the positive adaptation they want to see in their teams. By demonstrating a willingness to learn and adapt, they inspire others to do the same.

Remember: "Who Moved My Cheese?" does not advocate for constant, disruptive change. However, it highlights the importance of being prepared for change and fostering a culture of adaptability within your team. By leading with these principles, you can navigate change more effectively and ensure your team thrives in an ever-evolving environment.



B) Comment on ‘It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheese less situation’.

Ans: The quote "It is safer to search in the maze than to remain in a cheeseless situation" from "Who Moved My Cheese?" captures the importance of taking action and embracing the unknown, even if it feels risky, Here's why searching the maze is safer:

Stagnation Breeds Problems: Staying in a cheeseless situation offers a false sense of security. Without new cheese, you'll eventually face problems like hunger or lack of resources.

The Maze Holds Potential: The maze, while unknown, represents the possibility of finding new and potentially better sources of cheese. It symbolizes opportunities for growth and discovery.

Action Leads to Progress: Even if you don't find cheese immediately in the maze, the act of searching itself is progress. You're learning about the maze, developing new skills, and getting closer to a solution.

Fear Can Paralyze: Remaining in a cheeseless situation often stems from fear of the unknown. However, this fear can paralyze you and prevent you from taking any steps to improve your situation.

Essentially, the quote encourages a proactive approach to challenges. While the maze might be scary, it offers a chance to break free from a guaranteed negative situation (no cheese).

Here's an analogy: Imagine your job is slowly becoming unfulfilling (cheeseless situation). Staying there might feel safe because it's familiar. However, searching for a new job (the maze) might be scary, but it also holds the potential for a more rewarding career (new cheese).

The quote emphasizes that:

Comfort Isn't Always Safe: Don't confuse comfort with safety. Sometimes, the seemingly safe option can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Growth Requires Exploration: Stepping outside your comfort zone is often necessary for growth and finding new opportunities.

Action is Key: Even if you do not know exactly what you are looking for, acting is better than staying stagnant.

By embracing the unknown and actively searching for solutions, you can navigate challenges and ultimately find a better situation.


V. A) Substitute the following phrases with one word. (5x1=5)

1. Very silly or unreasonable.

Ans: Goofy/ wacky


2. To accept something to happen or prepare for it.

Ans: Brace / Embrace


3. To give confidence to someone.

Ans: Empower/ inspire


4. Liked more than any other thing.

Ans: Preferred/ Adored


5. Movement towards achieving something.

Ans: Progress/ Advancement


B) Convert the following sentences as directed.                               (5x1=5)

1. Ramesh cleared his TET examination (Active voice)

Ans: Ramesh cleared his TET examination.


2. ‘Poornima’ has been celebrated by her friends (Active voice)

Ans: Her friends have celebrated ‘Poornima’


3. Open the door (Passive voice)

Ans: Let the door be opened.


4. Carry it home (Passive voice)

Ans: Let it be carried home.


5. I will pass NET exam this year (Passive voice)

Ans: NET exam will be passed by me this year.


C) Draft a notice informing your friends about the welcome party arranged for freshers highlighting Date, time, venue, etc.                               (1x5=5)


Freshers Welcome Party!

Hey Everyone,

Get ready to mingle and welcome the newest members of our group! We are throwing a party to celebrate the arrival of our awesome freshers, and you are invited!


Here are the details:

Date: 10th of this month

Time: 09:00 pm

Venue: Blanquet Hall

Food & Drinks: snacks and drinks provided, potluck style


What to Expect:

Fun games and activities to break the ice

Great music and a chance to meet new people

A night filled with laughter and good vibes!


Spread the Word: Feel free to invite anyone else who might be interested in joining the fun!

We can't wait to celebrate with you all and make our freshers feel welcome. See you there!




D) Write a paragraph on the following sayings/ precepts/ maxims. (1x5=5)

i. ‘Know thyself/ yourself

Ans: "Know thyself" is an ancient adage that holds immense value even today. It compels us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, to understand our strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. This introspection is not simply about listing personality traits; it is about uncovering the deeper aspects that drive our decisions and shape our experiences. Through self-awareness, we can navigate life's complexities with greater clarity. We can identify areas for growth, build healthier relationships, and pursue goals that align with our authentic selves. Ultimately, "knowing thyself" empowers us to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life.



ii. Time and tide wait for none.

Ans: "Time and tide wait for no one" is a proverb that emphasizes the relentless nature of time. It reminds us that opportunities and moments won't linger if we hesitate. Just like the ocean tide that keeps rolling in, time marches on, carrying with it both chances and challenges. We must seize the day, act on our aspirations, and make the most of the precious time we have. Dwelling on the past or procrastinating on important tasks will only leave us behind. This proverb serves as a call to action, urging us to be proactive and embrace the ever-flowing river of time.


E) Proof read the following paragraph for publication and write the paragraph underlining the corrected words.                                  (1x5=5)

There are different things you can do to improve your life quality? You have to start with being optimistic, living in the present, understanding what you want out of life, celebrating yourself, loving yourself, appreciating your uniqueness and then connecting with other people.

Ans: There are different things you can do to improve your quality of life. By being optimistic, living in the present, understanding what you want out of life, celebrating yourself, loving yourself, appreciating your uniqueness, and then connecting with other people.


F) Make a review of the following article or a cinema you watched. (1x5=5)

A man was very upset with his old parents. He sometimes beat them in anger. One day he threw them out of his house. They both left the house sadly and never came back. Now, the man lived happily with his wife and children. Twenty years later, now his children had grown up, and all of them had got married. They were doing the same with the man as he used to with his old parents. He remembered those a days and was deeply saddened for the atrocities that he had done against his parents.


Review of the morality tale: A Harsh Lesson

This short story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of respecting our elders. The narrative follows a man who mistreats his parents, culminating in him throwing them out of his own home. Years later, he faces the consequences when his own children repeat his actions towards him.


Simple and Clear Message: The story effectively conveys the importance of treating our parents well through a cause-and-effect scenario.

Emotional Impact: The reader experiences a range of emotions: anger towards the initial act, satisfaction with his seemingly happy life, and ultimately, deep sadness at the realization of his actions.

Areas for Improvement:

Limited Character Development: The characters lack depth, serving more as vessels for the message.

Predictable Plot: The story unfolds in a predictable manner, leaving little room for surprise.

Lack of Nuance: The story presents a black and white scenario – the man is entirely wrong and his children are following suit. Real-life situations often involve more complexity.


This is a short but impactful morality tale. While it could benefit from more nuanced characters and a less predictable plot, it effectively delivers its core message about respecting our elders.


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