


Chapter – 05


D.H. Lawrence


I. 1) How do people feel when they give

a) one pound?

Ans: When people give one pound they feel a wrench of pain.


b) ten pounds?

Ans: When people give ten pounds they experience a trembling movement caused by fear.

2) “Money has got us down” could mean
a) it has ruined us.
b) it has made us tremulous.
c) it has made us greedy.
d) it has made us its slaves.
Ans: d) It has made us its slaves.


3) How are people, without money, usually treated?
Ans: People without money usually treated with scorn. They are made to eat dirt which means made to acknowledge analysis and fault without grumbling.


4) What things should be made available free of cost to all the people in the world?
Ans: The things should be made available free of cost to all the people in the world are bread, shelter and fire.


5) The speaker is frightened of

a) having no money.

b) money madness.

c) eating dirt.

Ans: b) money madness


6) What will happen if we do not regain our sanity about money?

Ans: We will end up killing one another if we do not regain our sanity about money.



1) How does money trigger fear in an individual?

Ans:  Money triggers fear in an individual the way that an individual gets decided by the cash he has causes him to feel useless when he has no cash. Moreover, however he may be given some bread to keep himself alive, alongside this he is made to eat soil. He is made to grovel all that the rich man says to him. The possibility of this submissive presence among the cash frantic individuals who wouldn't stop for a second to kill each other for cash can scare a person.


2) How does an individual measure the value of another individual in terms of money?

Ans: An individual measure the value of another individual in terms of money when everybody is fixated on cash and that is the reason all different temperance of an individual are neglected on the off chance that he is appalling enough not to have riches. The main inquiry posed is how much an individual is worth. The normal answers are regarding material belongings. Regardless of whether an individual has the information and different gifts, none of that would get dealt with. That is the reason the speaker says that cash has got us down to the situation of slaves since we are largely captives of cash or captives of individuals of slaves since we are generally captives of cash or captives of individuals with cash. It has caused us to overlook our self-esteem and self-respect.



1) Collective madness for money affects the individuals also. How does the poem bring this out?
Ans: There are aches and quakes each time an individual needs to part with one pound or ten pounds. In any case, an individual can't be considered exclusively answerable for the evil of cash mindedness. He can't get away from the negative effect of the framework which is cash focused. At the point when cash is required in any event, for essential necessities of life, he can't state that he will stay liberated from cash mindedness. His entire life is a battle to bring in enough cash to get by. He realizes that without cash he stops to be a substance for other people. His fear is being forced to bear good cause that would strip him of all respect. He realizes that some bread would be tossed at him to keep him alive, yet it would be done so derisively that it is equivalent to eating soil. Aggregate frenzy for cash influences an individual since he also has a lot of blame in giving a lot of significant worth for cash. This is obvious from the way that no individual can leave behind cash with serenity of heart.


2) What, according to the poet, might happen if people do not regain sanity about money? What solution does he offer?
Ans: In the event that the uncontrolled enthusiasm for cash proceeds with unabated, individuals will begin slaughtering one other. Crude social orders had the idea of natural selection, and the wellness of an individual was estimated regarding his physical prevalence. However, in contemporary society, the fittest is the wealthiest, and subsequently everybody wants after cash. At the point when it is difficult to get cash, they may even begin slaughtering each other. As indicated by the speaker, this issue can be tended to if the fundamental necessities, for example, fire, flood and haven are made accessible liberated from cost everywhere on the world, regardless of their ethnicity. The contention of the speaker is significant surely. On the off chance that we take a gander at the destitute individuals of certain nations passing on like flies on account of absence of food, the supplication of the speaker increases huge significance.



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Useful 🤗

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