




a)  Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.

b) Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.

c) One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.

d) For multiple-choice questions, choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

e)  Answer to the question number 25(a to j) should be in sequence and at one place.

f)   Section –I of the question should be answered in sequence and on the first three pages of the answer booklet.


I. Answer the following questions by choosing the right option. 10X1=10

1) Who made friendship with the man in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?

a) fox                    b) rhino                c) elephant           d) lion

Ans: c) elephant


2) How long did the author take to learn about the medicinal creeper?

a) 20 years           b) 15 years           c) 10 years            d) 5 years

Ans: a) 20 years

3) The people of the city were ___________________________.

a) Honest              b) cruel                 c) obedient           d) kind

Ans: b) cruel


4) We grovel before _______________ in strange terror.

            a) parents          b) friends             c)money               d) teacher

Ans: c) money


5) ___________ is spared in Babar Ali’s school.

           a) chalk               b) duster               c)a jute                 d) rod

Ans: d) rod


6) Match the column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ related to the play ‘Watchman of the Lake.’

A                                                  B

i.  Headman                               a. dream

ii.  Bhima                                    b. road

iii.  Mara                                     c. iron decoction

a)    i-a,ii-c,iii-b                       b)i-c,ii-a,  iii-b               

b)    c)i-b, ii-c, iii-a                  d)i-a,ii-b,iii-c

Ans: c) i-b, ii-c, iii-a


7) The farmer committed suicide by __________

              a) Poison          b) hanging             c)stabbing             d) drowning

Ans: a) poison


8) Statement: - White children had authentic record of birth but Frederick had not any.

Reason: - Parents of black children did not have record of their birth

a) Only the statement is true.                  b) Only reason is true.

c) Both statement and reason are true.  

d) Both statement and reason are false.

Ans: c) Both statement and reason are true


9) The narrator observed that the two boys spent _______

a) very little money on their food and clothing.

b) more money on their food and clothing.

c) little time to earn money.

d) more food but little money

Ans: a) very little money on their food and clothing


10) In the poem, when the speaker says “you are beautiful still, my love, but I am helpless too” suggests that

a) he has to address the miseries of human beings.

b) he is in love with another beautiful lady.

c) he is trying to flatter her.

d) He is unhappy with her

Ans: a) he has to address the miseries of human beings.


A.   Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. 3X1=3

12) Now it …………… (has/have) been a long time since I sold that estate and Mara ……………(is/are) also dead and gone. It …………… (is/are) difficult to dismiss all of Mara’s stories as bunkum.

Ans: has, is, is


B. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of the verbs given in brackets.


13)He always went …………… (arm) with a cowskin and a heavy cudgel. I have known him to …………… (cut) and slash the women’s heads so horribly.

Ans: armed, cut


13. Match the expression under column ‘A’ with its corresponding language function under ‘B’.                                                   5x1=5

A                                                                           B

Expressions                                                            Functions

1. Hello, Good Morning                                  a. Complimenting.

2. Wow! You look fantastic.                           b. Expressing gratitude.

3. Could you please fetch me some water?       c. Agreeing.

4.   We are thankful to you.                               d. Greetings.

5. Sure, we will do it                                         e. Requesting,


1. Hello, Good Morning – d. greetings

2. Wow! You look fantastic. – a. complimenting        

3. Could you please fetch me some water? – e. requesting

4.   We are thankful to you. – b. expressing gratitude 

5. Sure, we will do it – c. agreeing                          


II. Answer any Six of the following choosing at least two from poetry in a paragraphof80-100words.                                                                6X4=24

14) Describe the experience of the boy in the school.

Ans: The boy's involvement with school is full with fear and depression. The teacher appearances make child bend down his head and sit in fear and anxiety. His tiredness and fear are reflected in the hanging way in which he sits and the nervousness that he shows. The books give him no satisfaction and the school cause him to feel exhausted. According to the poet formal education controls the capability of the children as it detracts from the child its opportunity. The child resembles a confined fowl in school and simply like the wings of the confined feathered creature hang, the soul of the child droops in school which imparts in the child a feeling of fear. Youngsters, like plants, should be supported and given reflection, on the off chance that they are to age effectively and prove to be fruitful later. If children are not permitted to have a characteristic adolescence, which is spent in playing completely among the normal things: slopes, glades, sheep, winged animals, and so forth, at that point they will wilt before they can bloom into develop grown-ups. Spring represents new development and that is the reason the artist utilizes the fable of the spring to challenge that a school does not permit spring to flourish.


15) How does money madness affect an individual?

Ans: There are tremors each time an individual needs to part with one pound or ten pounds. In any case, an individual cannot be considered entirely answerable for the evil of money mindedness. He cannot get away from the negative effect of the outline which is money focused. At the point when money is required in any event, for essential necessities of life, he cannot state that he will stay open-minded from money mindedness. His entire life is a battle to bring in enough money to get by. He realizes that without money he stops to be stuff for other people. His fear is being forced to bear good cause that would strip him of all respect. He realizes that some bread would be tossed at him to keep him alive, yet it would be done so mockingly that it is equal to eating dirt. Collective emotion for money influences an individual since he also has a lot of blame in giving a lot of significant worth for money. This is clear from the way that no individual can leave behind money with serenity of heart.



16) How does the farmer’s wife resolve to live in “The Farmer’s Wife”?

Ans: The farmer was not used to being compliant to other people. He was unable to tolerate twisting his head or extending his hand before the loan bosses. Be that as it may, being a lady, the farmer's wife was utilized to surrender and cruel treatment and could pull on in any event, when hurt and starved of. Also, being a lady, her cultivation feeling made it unthinkable for her to abandon her children helpless before destiny. Later we see that the distinction between the man and the lady lies in the manner people are commonly treated in the public arena and how men treat ladies at home. Even though the possibility of raising four children even with distinct misery is great, she faces the test and does not take response to the simpler departure course of self destruction.  However, the saving quality is the way that the unfairness dispensed to ladies in the public eye and at home makes them solid and gives them the fearlessness to grasp life and battle forever


17) How does the speaker's attitude undergo a change in the poem 'An Old Woman'?

Ans: The old woman’s inquiry, "What else can an old woman do on slopes as pitiful as these?' causes him to understand the pathetic existence of the elderly person. The speaker's mentality goes through a change since he is suggested a conversation starter. The word 'wretched' utilized regarding a traveler community clarifies that spots of love will have no worth if persons at such places endure. The speaker, who had up to that point considered the old woman unimportant and useless, unexpectedly understands that it is he who is irrelevant in light of the fact that he has not seen the sort of battle old woman has seen in her life. Her quality and avoidance are more stuck than his. The inquiry stumps the speaker and he is loaded up with respect for the one who has stayed on the miserable slope constantly. Although terrible and old, she is unbreakable. Now, there is an unexpected upturn of job.



18) The animals were cunning, but the man outsmarted them eventually. Elucidate.

Ans: The man's thoughtful gesture of letting the elephant put his trunk inside the hut to protect the unoccupied space from the heavy rain is exploited by the elephant. The elephant does not have the simplicity to understand a thoughtful gesture and accepts it as an indication of shortcoming. the man needed to lose his huts more than once before he at last defeated his enemy with a ploy (plot, stunt). Usually, we do not talk regarding money when we discuss peace. However, on account of the man, peace gets connected to his property. Regarding colonization too peace gets connected to riches because the locals are occupied for their riches by the colonizers. Despite, the inclination for opportunity stays alive in the hearts of the occupied and all the penances put forth will be viewed as worthy of the attempt.


19)What story did Mara narrate about his fallen teeth?

Ans: Mara had lost his teeth on the right side because when he broke a small stick from a nearby plant to brush, he felt a sour taste in the mouth. He wanted to rinse his mouth. He took some water from the stream, put it into his mouth and after churning it around in his mouth, and spat it out. Surprise! All the teeth, which had been touched by that stick, tumbled out of his mouth!


20) How did the stranger come to the help of the narrator?

Ans: When the narrator is at the purpose of removing his pants however, he has nothing inside, a blue-eyed man walks toward,' reasonable complexioned six-feet, with a red turban and white pants, negotiates and offers to pay the bill from the narrator to the owner. He requests that the speaker go with him and when the thankful author requests his name, he says he has no name. At the point when the author says 'mercy' must be his name, he does not respond and wander on until they arrive at a deserted bridge. There, the more unusual takes out five wallets and ask for the author which from these is his. He cautions the author to disappear without rotate and includes that the author ought not to admit to anybody that he has seen the man. He gives the wallet, which has been distinguished by the author, with the money perfect and leaves the spot wishing the author that he be helped by God. The author, on his part, trusts that God would support the stranger. Accordingly, we see that the pickpocket helps the narrator at the restaurant. This is how the thoughtful sign picks up unimportance. Most importantly the pickpocket is behaviour to help the one who faces humiliation as he has lost his wallet.


21) How does Babar Ali get the children to listen to him?

Ans: Babar Ali’s act of thoughtfulness has enabled poor children to move towards growth. Although the afternoon school of Ali, the exploited youngsters could not ever have found the opportunity of formal education. Regardless of whether they got the opportunity of figuring out how to read and write, without the correct instructive capability, they could not ever have gotten the opportunity of considering occupations other than what they could get in their village. The children who might have proceeded as servants, mechanics, grass cutters and day workers have the extent of searching for office occupations with the training they have gotten at Babar Ali's school. It is contacting to see that the children are keen on considering. Instruction is not forced unto them. They are firm. They work in the first part of the day to get taught in the early evening.


22) Write a note on the cruelty of Mr. Plummer.

Ans: Mr. Plummer was so ruthless that Captain Anthony, who himself was a cruel slaveholder, was enraged by the cruelty of Plummer. Mr. Plummer, as the overseer, oversaw the farm and the slaves and exploited the situation fully to torment the slaves. He went around with not only the cow skin but also a heavy cudgel and cut and slashed women’s heads horribly. Mr. Plummer comes out as a man who took sadistic pleasure in hurting others.

23) Describe the boy’s sacrifice to save their sister, Lucia.

Ans: The 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' were the young men in the story, Nicola, and Jacopo. Nicola, thirteen was the elder brother of Jacopo, twelve.  Both the brothers were extremely serious and kind. They worked for their sister Lucia to recover her from tuberculosis. They carried on with a hard life. They included a wide range of random jobs. They shined shoes, sold wild strawberries, hawked newspapers, led tourists round the town, and got things done for cash. They did not spend much on garments and food. They had arranged the money for their sister's treatment. Yet, they kept up their confidence. They do not have the aim of discussing their family issue and need to stay quiet about it. The young men did not reveal their concern to the narrator, since they did not need anyone's sympathy or noble cause. They acknowledged their duties of life. They were determined to work to acquire their living and for her sister's treatment. Although they had experienced a ton the war, it had not broken their soul. In this manner, their caring activity carries honorability to human life. It gives guarantee of a more prominent trust in human society.



III. Answer one of the following in about 200words.              1X6=6

24) Describe the sacrifices made by Mara to build and to save the lake ‘The Watchman of the Lake'.

Ans: Mara guaranteed that the river could never flood its banks, since the Goddess could not make Veda flood her banks till the arrival of Mara, with Mara's passing. His kindness in making the king kill him spared the life of the king and every one of his subjects. In right now, we have no watchman to watch our streams and different steams of water. We have been abusing the water assets childishly. We toss trash, including processing plant discharge, into the water; we wastewater; we do not attempt to safeguard water through watershed the executives, water collecting and so forth. We have dirtied our most sacred river – Ganga – unimaginable. It is about time that we understood that water is the remedy of life and except if we treat water knowingly; there is no future for us.



Examine the poem, “If I was a tree” as a satire on social discrimination.

Ans: Indeed, the poem 'If I Was A Tree' is a satire on social discrimination. It criticizes the discrimination based on caste and creed. Being tired and humiliated by the social discrimination, the poet wishes to be a tree. He feels safety, purity and generosity and helping nature in the tree than in human beings. Having a desire to be a tree, he desires to escape to a better world from a world of ill – treatment. He says that being a tree is far more convenient than being a human. Then the bird would not ask what caste it is and sunlight would embrace it. Its shadow would not be polluted. It can make friendship with cool breeze, and rain drops would not go back thinking if he was an untouchable. The tree would feel happy with the touch of sacred cow and it would get the opportunity of providing shelter for three hundred thousand Gods. The tree can become pure if it would be cut into dry pieces and can help the sinless dead body by becoming bier on the shoulders of four good men.


IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10x1=10

The Smoking kills 9, 00,000 people every year in India. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that smoking related deaths worldwide will surpass 9 million annually by 2020, with 7 million of those deaths occurring in developing nations. People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start smoking before they are 18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in their teens, never expected to become addicted. That is why people say it is just so much easier to not start at all.


It is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains a drug called nicotine. This drug is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal. The nicotine can raise one’s blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen demand for muscles, mainly for the heart. Moreover, the second hand smoke which comes from two places i.e., smoke breathed out by the person who smokes and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette causes health effects, including cancer, breathing problems and asthma. Smoking is one of the most preventable causes of death in our society. It is an expensive habit. The tobacco industry makes billions of rupees each year and they do not care about anyone’s existence. All they want is money. One buys more cigarettes; the company earns more.


Today’s generation needs to beware of electronic cigarettes (e – cigarettes). This contains cancer causing chemicals and other toxins. This also has a compound used in antifreeze. These battery-operated devices use cartridges filled with nicotine flavorings and other chemicals and convert them into a vapour that is inhaled by the user. Counseling and medical help need to be sought for smoking addicts.


a) According to WHO, where do maximum deaths occur by smoking?

Ans: Developing nations


b) At what age do people start to smoke?

Ans: before they are 18 years old


c) What did the teenagers never expect when they started smoking?

Ans: They never expected to become addicted.


d) Name the drug in tobacco.

Ans: Nicotine


e) What is the effect of nicotine on the heart?

Ans: The nicotine can raise one’s blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen demand for muscles, mainly for the heart.


f) What is the most preventable cause of death in our society?

Ans: Smoking


g) What does the tobacco industry care about?

Ans: Money


h) __________ is needed to help smoking addicts to come out of it.

Ans: Counseling and medical help


i)   Smoking is an ________ (addiction / addictive) habit.

Ans: addictive


j)   Add a prefix to the word ‘expected’ to form the antonym. (non, un, re)

Ans: unexpected


V.26) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles given in brackets.   


A)    Babar Ali actually started his school at …………… mere age of nine! In fact, his school “Anand Siksha Niketan” grew out of …………… game.

[a, an, the]

Ans: a, a


Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions given in brackets.                             


B)  I looked …………… the people around me. I did not see even one kind face. They had the look …………… hungry wolves.

(of, from, at)

Ans: at, of


27. Rewrite as directed                                                                 3x1=3

i)  It was not a matter of playing war.

(Add a question tag)

Ans: It was not a matter of playing war, was it?


ii)  The good nurse broke off, her eyes moist.

(Change into a question beginning with the right form of 'do')

Ans: Did the good nurse break off, her eyes moist.


iii)  Lucia’s brothers have made their payment.

(Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer)

Ans: What have Lucia’s brothers made?


28. Complete the dialogue:                                                           4x1=4

Parent : Good Morning sir.

Principal : ______________. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?

Parent : I am Ganesh’s father. __________in first PUC science stream.

Principal : Oh! Is it? Your son is a good athlete. He participates in every athletic event and has won many prizes.

Parent : Thank you sir. ______________________?

Principal : ______________, he is not as good at studies. You must see to it that he

studies regularly.

Parent : Definitely .Thank you sir. Bye.



Parent : Good Morning sir.

Principal : Very Good morning. Please have a seat. What can I do for you?

Parent : I am Ganesh’s father. He is studying in first PUC science stream.

Principal : Oh! Is it? Your son is a good athlete. He participates in every athletic event and has won many prizes.

Parent : Thank you sir. Is he good in studies?

Principal : No, he is not as good at studies. You must see to it that he

studies regularly.

Parent : Definitely .Thank you sir. Bye.


VI. Refer to the following list of events and answer the questions set on it in one complete sentence each:                                            4x1=4


Indian Premier League – 2024

Sl. no





Inauguration by D. C., Mysore

7.30 am



Half Marathon Race for Women

8.15 am



Full Marathon Race for Men




Prize distribution

2.00 pm to 4.00 pm


Note: Prize money for Half Marathon is 1.50 lakhs and Full Marathon is 4.00 lakhs.


29. a. Who inaugurates the Indian Premier League?

Ans: D.C. Mysore


b. How many women participate in the half marathon?

Ans: 110


c. When will the prize distribution begin?

Ans:  2:00 pm.


d. What is the prize money for the winner of the Full Marathon?

Ans: 4.00 lakhs


30. Write a letter to the Principal, St. John’s PU College inviting him/ her and the staff to attend the Cultural Programme in your college.                                         1x5=5

Points to be included:

       Date and time of the programme.


       List of Cultural Activities.






Cultural Secretary,

Bosco College



23rd January, 2024



The Principal

St. John's PU College



Subject: Invitation to Attend Cultural Programme


Respected Principal,


I am writing to extend a warm invitation to you and the esteemed staff of St. John's PU College to grace our upcoming Cultural Programme. This vibrant event, celebrating the diverse talents and rich cultural heritage of our student community, will be held on 31st January 2024 at 05:00 pm in the college Function Hall.


We have planned a delightful program featuring a variety of cultural activities, including:

Traditionally graceful, Melody in motion, A splash of colours, Poetic expressions, Rhythm of unity. We believe this event will be a captivating experience for all attendees, offering a platform for our students to showcase their talents, and fostering a sense of community and appreciation for our diverse cultural tapestry.


Your presence, along with that of the esteemed staff, would be a great honour and source of encouragement for the participating students. We are confident that your attendance will add to the spirit and success of the event.


Thank you for considering our invitation. We eagerly await your presence at the Cultural Programme.


Yours Sincerely,


Cultural Secretary

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