

Poem- 09


Toru Dutt

Comprehension Questions:

A.  Answer the following questions briefly.

1) Why had Buttoo gone to Dronacharya?

Ans: Buttoo had gone to Dronacharya to learn the science of archery.


2) How did Drona respond to Buttoo’s request?

Ans: Dronacharya declined to teach the science of archery as he did not belong to the royal family.


3) “I came here to learn thy science”, says Buttoo? What does “thy science” refer to?

Ans: “thy science” refers to archery.


4) Why did Buttoo revere Drona as his master?

Ans: Dronacharya was the famous archer and Buttoo got his inspiration and knowledge from the great master. So, Buttoo revered Drona as his master.


5) Buttoo says “All that I have, all I shall conquer by my skill, gladly shall I to thee resign”. This shows Buttoo’s

a)  reverence to Drona

b)  generosity

c)  gratitude

d)  foolishness

Ans: a) reverence to Drona.


6) “Rash promises ever ends in strife.” By saying this Drona is

a) warning Buttoo of unpleasant consequences

b) offering Buttoo a chance to change his stance

c) hinting that his demand for recompense could be damaging or destructive to Buttoo

d) regretting the rash promise he had made to Arjuna

Ans: c) hinting that his demand for recompense could be damaging or destructive to Buttoo.


7) What did Drona seek from Buttoo as recompense?

Ans: Dronacharya sought Buttoo’s right hand thumb as recompense.


8) What justification did Drona give for his unfair demand?

Ans: Dronacharya had already promised Arjuna that there would be no one greater than Arjuna in archery and he would be the best archer ever. Thus to keep his promise Drona asked his unfair demand.


9) “Buttoo”, a small extract from a very long poem is composed in an Epic form. It makes use of archaic words like “unto”, “thee” (line 1). Pick out the other archaic words from this extract.

Ans: “Thy, thou, hast, wilt, const, aught, thee, art, pelf” are the archaic words used in this poem.


10) The poem makes use of the dialogue form. The two speakers in the poem are Drona and Buttoo. Identify the lines/passages spoken by each of the two.

 Ans: Drona: “It I’m Master ……… between us new,”

“It is a promise?”

“Beware! Rash promise ever ends in strife.”

“If it is so – Arjuna hear!”

“For thy sake ………. for thee.”

“For this ……….. modesty.”


Buttoo:        “Oh Master, unto thee ………. from thee.”

“All that I have ………. they gracious will.”

“Yes. I swear ………… thou wilt.”

“Thou art my Master …………. from blame.”


II. Close Study

Read the following extracts carefully. Discuss in pairs and then write the answers to the questions given below them:


1) “I press for this sad recompense”, says Drona.

a) What does “sad recompense” refer to?

Ans: Dronacharya asked Buttoo his right hand thumb is “sad recompense” refers to.


b) What does it tell us about Drona?

Ans: Dronacharya was only anxious about Arjuna that he should be the best archer in the world. He did not give importance to Buttoo’s skill.


c) If it was “sad recompense”, why did Drona demand it?

Ans: Dronacharya had already promised Arjuna that there would be no one greater than Arjuna in archery and he would be the best archer ever. Thus to keep his promise Drona asked his unfair demand.


2) “The severed thumb was on the sod

      There was no tear in Buttoo’s eye.”

a) Why was the thumb severed?

Ans: The thumb severed because his teacher (guru) had asked him recompense (guru dakshina).


b) Why was there no tear in Buttoo’s eye?

Ans: Dronacharya was considered as a great teacher by Buttoo. He didn’t want to disrespect his teacher; he was ready to do anything for his teacher. He gave away his right hand thumb when his teacher asked him to give recompense and there were no tear in Buttoo’s eye as he considered it as dedication for his teacher.


c) What does it tell you about Buttoo?

Ans: Buttoo was dedicated student to his teacher even though his teacher had refused him to teach him science of archery. But Buttoo was completely devoted himself to his teacher. Buttoo loyalty reached to high rank when he cut and gave away his right hand thumb to his teacher as recompense without any query.


III. Paragraph Writing

1) Discuss, in pairs, the great qualities of Buttoo and write down any five.

Ans: The great qualities of Buttoo: Buttoo’s devotion towards his teacher Dronacharya: Buttoo was dedicated student to his teacher even though his teacher had refused him to teach him science of archery. But Buttoo was completely devoted himself to his teacher. Buttoo’s determination to learn science of archery was great quality expressed by him. Buttoo was very humble and modest person and he was not envious of Arjuna as his teacher refused him for Arjuna. Buttoo had given his right hand thumb to his teacher as recompense when his demanded him and he kept his promise, Buttoo was truthful in that occasion. The most important quality of Buttoo was his respect towards his teacher. Buttoo had dedicated his whole life for his teacher.


2) Discuss the following in groups of 4 each and write in a paragraph:

    Was Drona unfair in his demand?

Ans: Dronacharya had already promised Arjuna that there would be no one greater than Arjuna in archery and he would be the best archer ever. Thus to keep his promise Drona asked his unfair demand. Buttoo had mastered himself in archery and Drona realized that Buttoo was far superior to Arjuna. To keep promise to Arjuna he asked Buttoo to give his right hand thumb as recompense. Drona was aware that if he would get his right hand thumb then Buttoo would never shoot without his right hand thumb. He only thought about Arjuna at that time ignoring the young talent of Buttoo.



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